I just want to say a few words about the booing of the First Lady and Dr. Biden. I suspect that there is a lot more behind it than just booing someone. The NASCAR fans didn't just boo anyone, it was the FIRST LADY. Now, no matter what you think of the person, the "office" of 1st lady is something to be respected. Period.
I fully acknowledge and respect that people can have their own opinions. But someone on the Right should have said, "I don't like them much, but we as a nation should respect the 'office' of First Lady. Booing was not appropriate. Perhaps at a political event, but they were standing with veterans and their families who they have supported for many years. Their kids were there and it was not our finest hour." I searched the internet for HOURS and found NO ONE! Not one political commentator, not one pundit, not anyone in the public eye from the right said anything. Below are the types of comments that were on Glenn Beck's website: Blaze.com.
I think this really points out that a group of people in this country have decided that in their rightful and righteous anger towards the government that they can just do anything. On the Fox.com site , there was a poll. The results were that they thought the booing was: (in this order) offensive - 133, inspiring - 333, and funny - 673. In my best Spock voice: "Astonishing!"
In this picture, are there any republican first ladies? …crickets chirping…The democratic first ladies were all advocating for what certain people thought was above and beyond their "place". The comments after the jump really show what people are angry at and how vitriolic it has gotten personally against this woman. I'm not saying there are not really foul mouthed democrats, but saying that Michelle Obama is, "the 1st linebacker…I mean lady?" If Laura Bush had come to a black church to say something, people might have clapped politely, and might have even frowned a lot, but NO ONE would have booed. If it had happened, we'd have been put under the jail, so to speak.